I remember finding this word in P. Spufford's Power and Profit, and now can't read it without once again fruitlessly checking reverse dictionaries.

It was used to describe a mass revival of investment after a downturn, and was either in the context of, or specifically referred to, removal of money stored in chests. I doubt it was divest or another common word; it could well have been a compound of re-, dis- or de-.


2 Answers 2


Your title does not correspond to your question. "Retrieval of wealth" does not have the same meaning as "mass revival of investment after a downturn". Which one are you looking for ?

If it's the latter it could be


1: the act, process, or an instance of recovering; especially : an economic upturn (as after a depression) (WEBSTER)


If you're referring to the retrieval of gold from their hope chests after a sizable drop, then perhaps you're thinking of a redemption. Definition 5 at Dictionary.com includes the notion of something repurchased that had been sold.

Here are two uses of massive redemption.

  1. Massive Redemptions, Strong Dollar Squash Goldbugs
  2. Ex-SAC Trader Stefan Frank Shutters His Hedge Fund FISAM Capital After Massive Redemption

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