At the risk of preaching to the choir, for many here have heard this tired old refrain before, I'm afraid that with this one, as with everything in English spelling, you need to chalk it all up to the overriding truism that in English there is no consistent connection between the spelling and the pronunciation, for no sooner than you think you find one, to your chagrin you also find an exception or three.
There is no other way than to check a dictionary each time: that is the only abiding rule that will do you any measurable good.
Something Old, Something New,
Something Borrowed, Something Chew
Here's a list of words with ch in them, some of which are rare, some of which are common, and many of which are cantanchorous:
Achaean, ache, achieve, Aeschylean, affiche, amuse-bouche, anchor,
anchovy, anchusin, Anschluss, Appalachian, Archaea, archaeology, archaic,
archipelago, architect, archive, bacchanal, Bach, Bacharach, Barchetta,
bardache, bichon, blanche, borsch, brachiate, branchiate, brioche,
brochure, bronchial, bronchitis, bruschetta, cache, cachet, cachou,
cartouche, cha, chagrin, chai, chaise, chaitya, chalet, chameleon,
champagne, chandelier, chandler, chaos, chaperone, character, charade,
charisma, charlatan, Charlotte, chasm, château, chatelaine, chaton,
chattel, Chaucer, chauffeur, chauvinist, Cheech, chef, cheiropod,
chemical, chemise, chemist, Cher, Cheryl, Cheshire, Chevrolet,
chevron, Cheyenne, chianti, chiaroscuro, chic, Chicago, chiffon,
chinook, chirality, chiton, chivalry, chive, chlorine, choenix, choir,
cholera, Chopin, choral, chord, choreography, chorus, choucroute,
chough, choux, chowry, christen, chrome, chronic, chronological,
chrysanthemum, chupatti, churl, chute, chutzpah, chyometer, cleruchial,
cliché, coachee, coffee-klatsch, conche, corniche, couch, couché,
couchette, crèche, croche, crochet, douche, echo, epoch, eschalot,
eschatology, escheator, eunuch, Fischer, flèche, fuchsia, hypochondriac,
ichneumon, ichor, ichthyology, ischaemia, Kampuchean, kerchief, kitsch,
Lachmann, lachrymous, lechayim, leche, lecher, lechwe, lich, lichen,
louche, macchiato, machete, Machiavelli, machine, machismo, Manichaean,
Maraschino, marchioness, matriarch, mechanic, Michael, Michelle, Michigan,
microfiche, milch, mischievous, monachal, monarchy, Münchausen, Munich,
musichall, mustache, niche, Nietzschean, Noachian, nonchalance, ochre,
orchestra, orchid, Pachycephalosaurus, pancheon, parachute, parcheesi,
parochial, paschal, patriarch, petechia, pistachio, porch, Porche,
psychic, putsch, quiche, ricochet, ruche, saccharine, saurischian,
schedule, schefflera, Scheherazade, scheme, scherzo, schimmel, schism,
schist, schitzy, schizophrenic, schizzo, Schlitz, schloch, schlong,
schmaltz, schnapps, schnauzer, scholar, school, schooner, Schopenhauer,
schryari, schwa, seneschal, stancheon, stomach, synchisite, synchronize,
tcha, Tchaikovski, technician, technique, technology, tschermakite,
Tsuchido, tunichood, Wirtschaftswunder, zucchini.
If you prefer to come at those "tail-sorted", that's:
Archaea, cha, tcha, petechia, ischaemia, fuchsia, charisma, schefflera,
cholera, orchestra, Barchetta, bruschetta, schwa, chaitya, hypochondriac,
archaic, chic, psychic, mechanic, schizophrenic, chronic, orchid,
tunichood, cheiropod, chord, nonchalance, charade, Scheherazade, coachee,
ache, cache, bardache, mustache, leche, affiche, crèche, flèche,
microfiche, niche, cliché, corniche, quiche, blanche, conche, brioche,
croche, Porche, amuse-bouche, douche, couché, louche, cartouche,
ruche, Michelle, schedule, scheme, chrome, champagne, chatelaine,
machine, saccharine, chlorine, Cheyenne, chaperone, ochre, Cheshire,
brochure, chaise, chemise, brachiate, branchiate, machete, tschermakite,
synchisite, couchette, Charlotte, chute, parachute, choucroute, technique,
achieve, chive, archive, lechwe, synchronize, chef, kerchief, schlong,
chutzpah, Bach, stomach, Bacharach, Cheech, lich, Munich, milch, schloch,
epoch, matriarch, patriarch, porch, borsch, coffee-klatsch, kitsch,
putsch, eunuch, couch, chough, chai, Tchaikovski, Machiavelli, zucchini,
schryari, parcheesi, chianti, chupatti, chinook, chronological, chemical,
monachal, paschal, seneschal, bronchial, parochial, cleruchial, bacchanal,
choral, Michael, schimmel, chattel, musichall, school, churl, Cheryl,
lechayim, chasm, schism, chrysanthemum, Achaean, Manichaean, Nietzschean,
Kampuchean, Aeschylean, Michigan, technician, Appalachian, Noachian,
saurischian, charlatan, lichen, christen, Münchausen, Chopin, chagrin,
anchusin, Lachmann, pancheon, stancheon, chameleon, chiffon, bichon,
ichneumon, chevron, chaton, chiton, Tsuchido, Chicago, archipelago,
echo, pistachio, machismo, Maraschino, chiaroscuro, macchiato, scherzo,
schizzo, scholar, Chaucer, Wirtschaftswunder, Cher, lecher, Fischer,
chandelier, chandler, schooner, character, chyometer, Schopenhauer,
schnauzer, choir, ichor, anchor, escheator, chauffeur, bronchitis, chaos,
schnapps, marchioness, Anschluss, lachrymous, mischievous, chorus,
Pachycephalosaurus, architect, cachet, ricochet, crochet, chalet,
Chevrolet, eschalot, schist, chemist, chauvinist, cachou, château,
choenix, choux, archaeology, technology, eschatology, ichthyology,
monarchy, choreography, chivalry, chowry, chirality, anchovy, schitzy,
Schlitz, schmaltz.
You'll note that I've included several words with multiple pronunciations, something that will get in the way of most of the simpler forms of rule-making.