I noticed that, in the dictionary, the words Whack, Whop and Wallop can have a meaning resembling hit some one hard. ODO says:
Whack (Verb) = strike forcefully with a sharp blow.
Whop (Verb) = hit hard.
Wallop (verb) = strike or hit (someone or something) very hard.
and I'm writing about a boxer or karate fighter who hit his opponent hard in a match. I'm considering saying that the fighter whacked or whopped or walloped his opponent.
I would like to know:
(1) Is there a difference between those three? Would you imagine that whacked an opponent is a slightly different meaning than whopped or walloped an opponent? (I typed all these three words into a Google image search, and I got similar images for whopped and walloped. I got different images for whacked. However I cannot grasp a clear difference).
(2) All of those three words have other meanings in dictionary. For example, whop has other meanings like the regular pulsing sound of a helicopter rotor
If all these three words are essentially the same meaning, is there any reason I should avoid using one word or the other?