I heard the expression "something is beyond your kin", see an example:

Woman, you're playing with forces beyond your kin.

I can't find a way to fit any of the entries of the definition of 'kin' in this context. Anyone?

EDIT, I actually misunderstood kin for ken. The kick back from the previous statement shows it:

Sheldon: "Woman, you're playing with forces beyond your ken." Penny: "Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie".


2 Answers 2


It's probably ken, not kin. Ken means, among other things, 'mental perception or recognition'. Kin means, more or less, relatives.

  • 1
    And ken vs kin makes it a fun (ish) malapropism. The forces are not only beyond their understanding, they are beyond the understanding of any relatives, too. Sep 24, 2012 at 2:00

It is probably supposed to be

beyond your ken.

ken means knowledge, understanding or cognizance.

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