I have to describe the act of measuring, with measurement used as noun. Which verb(s) fit best?
taking a measurement
making a measurement
doing a measurement
carrying out a measurement (suggested by Google translate)
performing a measurement
Does it work the same for the passive form (the measurement has been taken)?
The context:
It provides a [...] set of probing points with which it's possible to easily take measurements; these have been carried out using a DC power analyzer ...
The action appears twice, hence the need for synonyms.
Funny fact: the difference between "taking" and "making" is also debated in photography (also a form of measuring?), with the difference being in the importance of the operator (if it's there I take it, otherwise I make it).
take a measure
of some quantity but, that terminology is indicative of somthing less measurable i.e. the strength of enemy forces or a man's charachter.