How is parameter
) hyphenated in UK English?
pa-ram-e-ter (Merriam-Webster)
or pa-rame-ter (Word XP)
or para-met-er (TCItex)
or para-meter (OAL Dictionary)
or pa-ra-me-ter (seems to bee the hyphenation of Parameter in German)
or pa-ra-m-e-t-er (combination of all possible locations for hyphenations)
or some other way?
Is there a difference for parameters
? I know that there are rules about the minimum number of letters before the first hyphenation (two letters) and after the last hyphenation (three letters), but those don't appear to be strict rules but more like a recommendation. Or do they prohibit something like "paramet-er" and allow "paramet-ers" (regardless of the hyphenation being right or wrong otherwise)?
As there are differences between US and UK English also regarding hyphenation, please point out if US hyphenation of parameter
) is different. (I don't need it, but the information might be useful for somebody else.)