I'm searching for a word, phrase, or even an idiom to describe someone who is very picky about things out of their reach. For example, they may love Lamborghinis but think Ferraris are too overstyled or aggressive, but not be in a position to ever own one. They may find a particular super model attractive but find another to be below their standards, but not be in a position to ever date one.
I found fastidious, which describes the overly picky aspect, but doesn't address that the person is picky about something that cannot possibly impact their life. If it were simply about cars, the phrase "too fast too stidious" would be amazing, but I want to describe the person more than the desire because the behavior often transcends a particular preference group.
The best word/phrase would be somewhat insulting and less of a passive diagnosis.
I would use the word/phrase like this:
"Mike can be a chore to talk to. He has strong opinions and is also ___________. My parents just bought a vacation house on a lake and when I showed him pictures he said he wouldn't buy that vacation house because it faces East and not West, which is ridiculous because he can't even afford the rent on his tiny apartment."