When writing a declarative sentence, the most common word used is probably “say”. Others like “state”, “shout” and “cry” also appear frequently. In my composition, there is this one sentence:
”Hear me, hear me.” I said. “For we must not make such a rash decision.”
I know that adding the word “say” reflects an inferior level of writing, but I find it hard to find a more accurate alternative.
I have looked for synonyms on Merriam Webster thesaurus. The fitting definition in this case would be:
to express (a thought or emotion) in words
Synonyms given under this definition include:
articulate, bring out, enunciate, pass, speak, state, talk, tell, utter, verbalize, vocalize
In my opinion, “state” is the only one that is close to being accurate. The rest does not exactly fit into the sentence.
Hence my question: with reference to the context of the example sentence given, which word alternates “say” accurately?
Thank you.