I have recently been undertaking some document review and updated a sentence to the following which seemed correct to me at the time.

The New Starter will be given a Training Record folder, a USB stick of information and an assortment of stationery and other errata.

Now, the definition of errata does not fit the usage here:

plural noun: errata an error in printing or writing. a list of corrected errors appended to a book or published in a subsequent issue of a journal.

I want a single word to cover the collection of the other odd bits and bobs which someone may be given outside of those listed. I imagine the word I am actually looking for is fairly closely related and I have erroneously substituted it, but I can't think of it. I have tried looking for synonyms of things and stuff online so far to no avail.

3 Answers 3


We call that swag round here. But ephemera might be what you're looking for:

plural noun

1 Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.

‘Load up on cool ephemera and tacky souvenirs: NYPD snow domes, stick-on bullet holes, match books, carrier bags, free postcards, anything that says I heart NY.’

Source: Lexico — ephemera

  • Yes, that's the word I was looking for. Of course, now that this has been recalled, I actually prefer sundries and will use that, but nice to get the answer...
    – Tragamor
    Commented Feb 25, 2022 at 20:28

How about sundries?

: various items not important enough to be mentioned individually.


: miscellaneous small articles, details, or items

(Merriam Webster)

The New Starter will be given a Training Record folder, a USB stick of information and an assortment of stationery and other sundries.

There's also odds and ends (although not a single word):

: various things of different types, usually small and not important, or of little value

(Collins Dictionary)

The New Starter will be given a Training Record folder, a USB stick of information and an assortment of stationery and other odds and ends.

  • Sundries definitely fits what I was thinking of. If no other better alternatives arrive I will accept this answer.
    – Tragamor
    Commented Feb 25, 2022 at 16:15

miscellany (n.)

A group or collection of different items; a mixture.

Next comes a corridor where a miscellany of drawings, a small but exquisite textile and two engraved gems, one of Lorenzo the Magnificent and one of Savonarola, are displayed.

Curry House serves about 14 kinds of curry using a miscellany of ingredients, among them chicken, pork, beef and peeled shrimp. Lexico

A miscellany of things is a collection or group of many different kinds of things. Collins

Two up-to-date department stores, the one modern hotel, the leading motion picture house, and a miscellany of smaller shops and restaurants give the feeling of a shopping area. Federal Writer's Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of N.J.; New Jersey, a Guide to Its Present and Past (2007)

In addition to their load of passengers, aircraft bound for the South American countries carried express equaling several hundred tons in weight — clothing, gold and silver bullion, chickens, drugs, jewelry, films, and a miscellany of articles too numerous to mention. Can the United States Retain Latin American Trade and Cultural Relations Against German, Italian, and Japanese Competition? (1939)

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