The word "understand" is fascinating. A surface parse of the word gives little insight into how the components are related to the concept associated with the word. In contrast, with words like "leftover", it's not hard to figure out the link between the pieces and the concept ("left" makes sense, in that some part of the whole was "left", and "over" because the part that was left is "over and above" the part that was used). But "understand" is harder. As it turns out, "under" is used in a sense that no longer applies its usage in "understand", with the concept of "among" or "inter". So "understand" means something like "standing in the midst of" the thing that is understood.
My question is, is there a general way to describe such a phenomenon, where words are made of components that no longer have the meaning that led to their usage as such a component? Does this phenomenon have a name, or associated body of study?