I'm looking for a precise title to put on:
A page on which people of a team indicate which days on a week they are present/working in the office.
Looking for different terms, I've several options by non of which I am satisfied:
Schedule: This term suggests a meaningful series of timings or plans to achieve something. Its emphasizes the timing of the jobs not the people. From Merriam Webster's:
especially : a procedural plan that indicates the time and sequence of each operation
//finished on schedule
So, even adding prefixes to this term, can't describe what the document indicates.
Timetable: This one is very precisely on the timing of something specific. As used for timing of trains, I can accept this term to indicate the times that are agreed upon to coordinate daily or weekly events and their times but not people who are participating in them:
2 a : a schedule showing a planned order or sequence
b : PROGRAM sense 3
Time Sheet: This one is precisely a tool to calculate how much time someone has spent on his work. This is specifically a record of past events not a plan for future. From Merriam Webster's:
1 : a sheet for summarizing hours worked by each worker during a pay period
2 : a sheet for recording the time of arrival and departure of workers and for recording the amount of time spent on each job
Calendar: A too generic term which carries no meaning on what it is to show. It suggests something long-term or a plan. This one has a long definition on Merriam Webster's Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/calendar
Attendance: This one also suggests a record of the past. It has also too much emphasis on attending to something which is not the case in an office because it needs to be an event like a class. From Merriam Webster's:
2 a : the persons or number of persons attending something
Attendance at the soccer games has been increasing.
also : an account of persons attending
The teacher took attendance [=made a record of who was present] before starting class.
There are combination of above words with Sheet and Table and also Work Schedule which is the best one I found but still unsatisfactory.
I'd be more than happy to hear ideas and arguments about the right term.