We all have heard this proverb in Urdu and Hindi
धोबी का कुत्ता न घर का न घाट का
Literal translation
The dog of the washerman belongs to neither the riverbank nor the house
An alternative:
The dog that runs after two bones, catches neither
The original Hindi proverb suggests the idea if someone comments on you
धोबी का कुत्ता न घर का न घाट का
They mean to say you are caught between two things because you do not belong to either of two things, or because you try to do two different things and fails at both.
This proverb was used by Mirza Saud who was a renowned Urdu poet, for Mirza Mazhar Jaan-e-Janaan's poetry as a scorn. Mirza Mazhar was a renowned poet of Persian. He later on did some stupendous and chromatic poetry in Urdu as well, however, initially he was not very comfortable in Urdu poetry.
His instructor advised him to start poetry in Urdu instead of Persian as the days of Persian poetry in India were numbered in his view. Mirza Mazhar's initial experiment in Urdu poetry was a disaster. The Urdu poets of his time did not take his arrival in their domain with joy. He was barraged by insult and one such poetic insult became proverbial:
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