I am after a single word (or maybe two), for when one is satisfied within themself, is confident and feels as though they are good enough, not doubting their ability in any way.

I am _________. I don't need external validation.

However, I need a word that does not have an overly negative connotation, like 'arrogant', and also isn't comparative, like 'superior'.


1 Answer 1


Being 'Complacent' means to be 'Self-Satisfied'

To elaborate--

It means, I am overtly happy with the way I am, and do not feel critical of myself.

  • 1
    Complacent (OED source) has a negative connotation. It is often used close in meaning to "sufficiently happy about the status quo", implying that this is the cause of why you won't catch a new problem. That connotation makes it less suitable for the OP's purposes, who explicitly wants to avoid negative connotations.
    – Flater
    Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 7:28

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