I recently submitted my product design coursework to my teacher, for them to check that everything was okay. And besides from the few spelling mistakes that I'd made, the only other thing I was told to do was to change all of the contractions to being two separate words.
This meant going through and changing all of the "it's"s to "it is", the "we're"s to "we are" and so on. This was because, and I quote, "The exam board see it as more correct to not use things such as contractions."
So is this really the case, is it more correct not to use an apostrophe for omission? Or is this just a miss understanding between my teacher and the exam board?
Personally I'd have though it to be the other way around, as in French it is grammatically incorrect to say "ce est" or "que elle". These should instead be written as "c'est" and "qu'elle" respectively.
Any thought on the matter would be appreciated.