I'm very interested in all things related to energy production and its future.
I'm looking for an adjective that would describe the return of the USA as the world 1st oil producer, not because of much increased US oil production, but rather because the current world oil production leader, Saudi Arabia, saw its output greatly decrease.
In the same vein I'm trying to convey the idea the US power production could indeed reach 50% of renewable energy soon, but mostly because the overall fossile fuel power production could fall and renewables would increase in proportion while not increasing in number (think about a salesman getting a meagerly increased fixed income & a greatly reduced bonus).
A _________ ["Forfeitful"/ Defaulting / Profiteering / Ptoseic (greek Ptosi: Fall/Decrease) / proportional / Decrementing / Demoting / Decreaseful / "Princeps Minutus"] rise?
I'll be grateful for any answer or suggestion you might have.