Single-word description
I am interested in finding a single noun that means "the property of having limited or no assumptions". I could also use a noun meaning "the property of having some level of assumption" or "the property of having some level of pre-imposed knowledge".
The sentence I am looking to complete:
The design of the system must balance three forces -- simplicity, robustness, and [assumptivity; assumptiveness].
simplicity -- the level of ease or amount of work to describe or understand
robustness -- the ability to perform well under a variety of cases
What sort of assumptions or pre-imposed knowledge?
This is part of a technical paper, which is describing a data-processing workflow. It is advantageous to make the workflow simple so that it can be understood, tested, and fixed. It is advantageous to make the workflow robust, because the input data might be heterogeneous and the processing should work (ideally) for whatever input data is thrown in. It is advantageous to make the workflow have few assumptions, so the data can "speak for itself" rather than speak for its ability to fit within some model imposed by the workflow.
For instance, (not the real problem) I have a shape template (square) I am trying to find in a field of other shape targets (triangles, circles, squares, pentagons, rounded squares, squiggles). I want to treat each of the targets as equally likely from the onset, not bias the processing to look for targets with 4 vertices, because that is what the square has. The rounded square might be about the same size as the template square, so it is a good match. The target square might be huge, so it is a bad match.
Words I have considered:
- Assumptivity
- Assumptiveness
- Imposivity
- Impositionness
These don't feel well-formed.
Suggestions from the comments
- Parsimony -- Should work, seems like a very good candidate
- Naivety -- Could work, may have too much of a relation to 'novice' or 'ignorant' for what I need.
- Presumption -- Not really what I was looking for. Feels like a concrete event, whereas I am looking for something indicating a level, magnitude, or quality.