I want a phrase for the main title of my academic poster for a general audience.

Context: "In microbiology, our proposed [method Z] combines the [advantages] of [established methods X and Y]."

Some ideas from Alternative colloquialism for "Best of both worlds"? are:

"best of both worlds" - I don't want any allusions to Hannah Montana

"kill two birds with one stone" - not good for this context, sounds too violent

Any other suggestions?

2 Answers 2


Perhaps you should just say:

"In microbiology, our proposed [method Z] combines the best of [established methods X and Y]."

Ando so, (based on all those titles of academic papers that I have seen) the title that automatically springs to my mind is:

A proposed method to combine the best of [method x] and [method y]

Maybe it can be made a bit informal as:

Combining Best of [Method x] and [Method y]

  • Yes, but I'm looking for a poster title with a similar meaning to "having the best of both worlds" Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 5:15
  • Thanks for alerting me that you are looking for a title. I have edited my answer accordingly. Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 6:46

Having your cake and eating it

Springs to mind.

or more fitting for a title perhaps?..

Having the Microbial cake and eating it.

Edit: Reference

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