Which word or words can I use to refer to picture on the opposite side of the book cover? I.e. in hardcover bock each double page/broadside behind the hardcover can have a picture on it. Is there a single word to refer these parts of book?
There is a list of book terms macmillandictionary.com, but I didn't find any term for this there.

1 Answer 1


The pages themselves and the pages opposite them are known as endpapers.

From Dictionary.com:


noun, Bookbinding.

  1. a sheet of paper, often distinctively colored or ornamented, folded vertically once to form two leaves, one of which is pasted flat to the inside of the front or back cover of a book, with the other pasted to the inside edge of the first or last page to form a flyleaf.

Also called end leaf, end sheet.

The illustrations (where there are any) are normally just accredited under Illustrations: Front Cover ... / Front Endpaper ... / ...; one could use 'front endpaper illustration/s' etc.

  • Thanks for your response. It seems to be exact word I looked for. Though as I wanted to refer to endpapers which is behind front cover and back cover, and distinguish between them, I guess I have to use something like "front cover endpaper" and "back cover endpaper" in this case...
    – Mike
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 12:23

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