In Futurama 5ACV16, character Leela, while in court, says "May it plizzle the cozizzle" instead of "may it please the court" to the judge (Snoop Dogg's head).
I am not native English speaker, but I understand it is supposed to be funny. One part of being funny is the fact that wrong expression is used in the courtroom. However, I feel there is also some English language aspect of this being funny.
So, why is it funny? What is "cozizzle"? Is there some cultural context of this joke I am missing?
Is it funny because "plizzle" rhymes with "cozizzle", and "cozizzle" mimics some words from the Snoop Doggs songs? Which words? I searched his lyrics, found nothing relevant. Googling "cozizzle" finds nothing relevant as well. Is it supposed to mimic ethnical slang?
Any suggestions are welcome.