I am looking for a possible positive form of unkempt.
- My first choice was kempt.
But I am not convinced of its usage. I want to be double sure that kempt has survived in day-to-day usage.
I am looking for a possible positive form of unkempt.
But I am not convinced of its usage. I want to be double sure that kempt has survived in day-to-day usage.
In my experience, Americans only use kempt when they’re trying to be cute. (Cf. Jim’s prior reply.) I’d opt for a more common antonym like neat or tidy.
A rare word after c. 1500; any modern use probably is a whimsical back-formation from unkempt. (etymology.com)
From the fusing of un- “not” with kempt “neat” comes the adjective unkempt. Kempt has fallen out of use, but unkempt persists as a popular word to describe anything unpolished, rough, or disorderly. (vocabulary.com)
Some alternatives:
- neat, tidy, orderly, groomed, etc.
I wouldn't dismiss kempt as necessarily being whimsical or cute, whatever its origin. Nor is it limited to describing hair. It's used with a neutral tone in the social sciences as well as fiction.
M-W and The American Heritage Dictionary have no qualifying labels or notes in their entries:
kempt (adj.)
Neatly kept
A distinguished-looking gentleman with a kempt beard and an old-world manner
The creeping ivy of rap had crawled over their white picket fences, across their kempt green lawns, and around their Victorian homes, weakening the old walls between cultures. — Jonathan Rowe, SPIN, 5 June 2023
Tidy; trim: a nicely kempt beard.
His companion, while clean-shaven, was less kempt, with curls of brown hair escaping his engineer's cap.
David Wroblewski; Familiaris (2024)
But overall the room appeared kempt and comfortable. A fireplace sat at one end, an arm's length from a coffee table and plaid sofa, with the front window behind them.
John Herrick; From the Dead (2010)
Against the backdrop of the 12-Step logic, appearance and employment were two foundational gendered markers of women's ongoing identity work. ... A healthy complexion, appropriate weight gain, and kempt appearance were immediate attainable signals of sobriety and thus evidence that women were working the 12 Steps.
Cesraéa Rumpf; Recovering Identity (2023)
In terms of mental status, Ms. Porter arrived for her initial sessions on time, dressed professionally and consistent with her level and type of employment. She appeared kempt although a bit frazzled after what she reported was a long day.
Kenneth N. Levy et al.; Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology (2017)
Upon referral from his physician, BD arrived at our clinic. During the clinical interview, he appeared kempt and tidy. He ambulated slowly into the room without assistance.
Frank M. Dattilio et al.; Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention (2023)
Ezra appeared kempt in dress and was oriented to place and time.
Julie R. Ancis; Culturally Responsive Interventions (2004)