What is the antonym of the adjective "sample" (example/specimen) besides "whole"? I'd like to replace "non-sample" in the following sentence:

I saved my sample code but accidentally deleted my non-sample project.

  • Not exactly an English thing, but... how many people on this site can program?
    – compman
    Commented Apr 27, 2011 at 2:48
  • @user7834 program a VCR? ;) Commented Apr 27, 2011 at 17:49
  • 1
    @compman: I'd say, in reference to the Shapiro-Wharf hypothesis, all of us :D Commented May 4, 2011 at 13:16
  • @Matt: I'm not following.
    – compman
    Commented May 4, 2011 at 17:58
  • 1
    @compman: Well, if you take programming to mean influencing people's behaviour, since all software developers do is influence the behaviour of computers, and since the Shapiro-Whorf hypothesis states that language influence thought, we can all programme each other. Commented May 4, 2011 at 18:08

4 Answers 4


In a similar context, I would tend to use actual or real:

I saved my example code but accidentally deleted my real code.
I saved my sample code but accidentally deleted my actual code.

These contrast well with example, sample, mock, or pseudo-, but sound best when you're expressing that contrast on a particular noun (sample code…actual code); it sounds awkward if the distinction isn't stressed (sample code…actual project).


What about entire? Or finished? Perhaps it depends on what you want to express.

  • I have two types of code: sample and non-sample, where the sample code does not have to be a subset of the non-sample code. "finished" might be closer to what I'm looking for.
    – tony19
    Commented Apr 27, 2011 at 1:47

The code used in actual products is often called “production code.”


maybe you are looking for test vs. control groups? or experimental sample vs. control sample?

An experiment which uses controls is called a "controlled experiment", and usually separates research subjects into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The control group is practically identical to the experimental group, although the experimental group is changed according to some key variable of interest, while the control group remains constant during the experiment. Each field develops their own specific, important controls.

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