What term would you ascribe to the record of a person's illnesses, diseases and medical condition?
The thing I am trying to describe is simply the record of, or data that reflects on the present medical condition of a patient with respect to diseases and aberrations from good health.
I want to clarify that I am not looking for a term to represent all kinds of medical data about a person.
What I am looking for
1) I am not necessarily looking for just a single word, but definitely a single descriptor or title between one and four words.
2) I am searching for one of the either two things:
a) Precision
Terms like medical history, medical profile (all encompassing, includes diagnostic reports, health indicators such as BP, sugar level, etc.), medical records (suggests only reports about the medical tests a person had), medical report (again, suggests a medical test report) -- all have different meanings. I am searching for precision; or
b) Custom
Where there isn't a precise term, or even if there is, and there is also a term that is widely known and accepted to be what my question is asking, and even if it is colloquial and doesn't literally mean what I am asking, but is widely accepted, then I am in favor of using it.
completely distracts from what I am trying to express here.