I came across the word, “the produce aisle” for the first time in NPR’s news introducing 'Eating on the Wild Side – A field guide to nutritious food,” writen by Jo Robinson. It goes:
“Our modern fruits, grains and vegetables aren't nearly as nutrition-packed as their wild counterparts were thousands of years ago, says health writer Jo Robinson. Her new book offers advice on how to shop the produce aisle to select for foods that offer the best nutritional bang for the bite.”
None of Cambridge, Oxford, and Merriam-Webster online English dictionary registers- “produce aisle.” But Google Ngram indicates that the word emerged in / around 1960 and its usage is on a sharp rise.
What does ‘produce aisle” specifically mean? Why has it come current? Isn’t it simply an in-store aisle?
Why is it ‘produce” aisle, not “product / merchandise aisle?