I'm looking for a word that means "The various manners in which one is able to enjoy, gain fulfillment from, and/or experience a given activity."
For example, you could say "The <filler noun> of paper and pencil role-playing games includes the inherent social interaction, applying tactics to combat situations, puzzles, role-playing situations, immersion, and the story." You could also say "Joe appreciates a different part of the <filler noun> of clubbing than Susan; he likes to drink and meet new people, but she likes to dress up and be the center of attention."
I think that most activities are probably like this, in that they can be appreciated for different reasons. However, I'd find it useful to also have an adjective that describes how diverse a particular activity's manners of experience are. For example, you could say "Reading is a very <filler adjective> activity. It's much more <filler adjective> than boxing."
Is there an existing word that conveys the concept that I've described above?
Slang and short phrases are also acceptable, if there isn't a more formal way to express this concept.
The first thing that I considered was the phrase "diverse experience." However, "experience" does not convey the idea of there being multiple facets to the experience. "Diverse experience" seems to connote instead that the activity might be different every time, rather than that on a single occasion there might be five distinct facets of the activity that can be appreciated.