Is there a word for that moment or age when you realise you can no longer keep up with technological advances?
As in: I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I think I've hit 'that moment where technology has outpaced me'
Is there a word for that moment or age when you realise you can no longer keep up with technological advances?
As in: I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I think I've hit 'that moment where technology has outpaced me'
Consider "future shock", which is defined by as
A state of distress or disorientation due to rapid social or technological change.
If humorous self-deprecation is acceptable, you may be able to call that moment your dinosaur moment.
I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I think I've hit my dinosaur moment.
dinosaur NOUN
2 A person or thing that is outdated or has become obsolete because of failure to adapt to changing circumstances.‘I still get invites but I feel like a dinosaur and a bit of a has-been now.’
‘She said: "I suppose at 30 I'm considered a bit of a dinosaur in the industry."’
Usage example of "dinosaur moment" in the current sense:
Dinosaur moment in The Southwest Times
The dinosaur moment is when you mention using a typewriter to a room full of twenty-somethings...
I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I think I've lost my edge
to lose the qualities or skills that made you successful in the past
I don't know if there's a word that precisely answers your question, but watershed is a word that generally describes a turning point:
watershed, noun
An event or period marking a turning point in a situation
but you couldn't use it without indicating what the watershed was. Using your example, you would have to say something like this:
I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - that was a watershed moment where I realised technology has outpaced me.
superannuated can mean
Outdated or obsolete through age or new developments
Therefore you could say,
I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I think I've become superannuated. And finally! I have always wanted to be super at something... ;)
Here's a paragraph from a sermon(!) given by James M. Pevehouse at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on September 13, 2015:
Being caught up short or not knowing or understanding what is happening is a position very few, if any, relish being in. It is difficult because we like being able to fall back on the practices and processes that have worked for us in the past. We like the comfort of the status quo [my emphasis ].
Sounds to me that you were "caught up short" in your ability to navigate the seas of technology.
How about vieux jeu? According to Oxford, it literally means old game.
Check synonyms for antiquated, perhaps one fits the bill.
"with it"
May be the closest to a one-word answer that you'll get.
Up-to-date or fashionable: ‘a young, with-it film buyer’
[usually with negative] Alert and comprehending:
‘I'm not really with it this morning’
‘he seems a decent lad, and clever with it’
As in: I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I think I've hit 'that moment where I'm just not "with it" anymore.
Technological obsolescence
After struggling and failing miserably to pause a YouTube video, I suddenly became aware of my technological obsolescence
Technological obsolescence usually refers to equipment which is still in working order but no longer adequate to perform modern tasks, like a cassette player (it might work perfectly, but cassettes aren't sold anymore).
The concept could be extended to a person with the same characteristics.
I don't think you will find a single word to indicate the moment you make that realization.
epiphany, noun
- a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
"A sudden moment of clarity, when understanding is crystal-clear and truth is undeniable"
Bruce had an epiphany, and realised that he was behind the times, and lacked relevancy in the technological realm. He was a dinosaur and the only remaining option was Management, and leave the tech to the younger generation.
Downside, this word doesn't relate to age or technology or any other part of the question.
Not a one-word but would the classic Roger Murtaugh phrase work...depending on context? :)
I just failed to work out how to pause a video on YouTube - I'm getting too old for this shit.
Your imbrutement marks your passage into troglodytehood
verb (used with or without object), imbruted, imbruting.
1. to degrade or sink to the level of a brute.
Origin of imbrute 1625-16351625-35; im-1+ brute1
Related forms imbrutement, embrutement, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2016.
troglodytehood example -
My word for that is "tread-milled" (metaphoric inability to keep pace with the Machine, an ass-meets-floor moment, if you will) 'Progressitis' also fits...although I like to think of it as 'having reached one's "best before" date'