I see this sentence:
There are many examples like mining, farming, foresting etc., that are to some extent dangerousdangerous to the society, since it can create large damages of the Nature for future generations because they cause environmental damage. H
Shouldn't "etc.," be written instead with the one dots assimilated i.e. "etc," so that the comma assimilates the dot? Or is this not a practice to assimilate the dots?
Samt way for instance with an acronym immediately before a comma then I think the dots should get assimilated e.g. "N.A.S.A, U.S.A, and other "
or should all dots be left there?
I also wonder about the dot in use with brackets:
" ...other countries (such as U.S.A.). "
Is the above correct? It looks like too many dots and I think that the closing of a bracket assimilates a dot in English as a rule which is not in other languages.
Could you answer about or comment on what the rules and practices are in these cases?