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In indiaIndia curd and yogurt are the same: "curd" is called plain yogurt and if we add something to it, like fruit, it becomes fruit yogurt.

In india curd and yogurt are the same: "curd" is called plain yogurt and if we add something to it, like fruit, it becomes fruit yogurt.

In India curd and yogurt are the same: "curd" is called plain yogurt and if we add something to it, like fruit, it becomes fruit yogurt.

corrected idiom and formatted for clarity.
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StoneyB on hiatus
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In india curdcurd and yogurt bothyogurt are the same , curd: "curd" is a plain yogurtcalled plain yogurt and if we add somthing in itsomething to it, like fruit then, it becomes fruit yogurtfruit yogurt.

In india curd and yogurt both are same , curd is a plain yogurt and if we add somthing in it like fruit then it becomes fruit yogurt

In india curd and yogurt are the same: "curd" is called plain yogurt and if we add something to it, like fruit, it becomes fruit yogurt.

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In india curd and yogurt both are same , curd is a plain yogurt and if we add somthing in it like fruit then it becomes fruit yogurt