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I am looking Word for a word to describe a person or entity who is permitted by society to do bad/greedy things because they have been charitable

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  • I would describe this person or entity as "feeling entitled" by that doesn't exactly capture what I am trying to say.

  • For example: A person who donates a lot of money to some charity gets 'special treatment' from society (or some governing body). As a result this person is able to 'get away with' doing something bad like demolishing a nature sanctuary or treating their employees extremely poorly. Society (or some governing body) turns the other cheek and lets them do bad things just because they have been charitable.

  • I want to use it in a sentence as a statement to say something like "This person's charity does not <insert word I'm looking for here> their greed."

    • Once again "entitle" somewhat fits here but it's not exactly right because I am trying to capture the fact that they are 'getting away with something' only because they have been charitable (or even falsely charitable to be in such a position).


  • Maybe the word I'm looking for could also be a noun to describe someone who does good deeds, but with a hidden agenda. So the good deeds are only done so they can be in a position to do bad things later and get away with it.


  • Wow, thanks everyone for all the feedback! A lot of good suggestions coming in. I realize now that a Noun, what this person or entity could actually referred to as, would be best. But all the verb suggestions have been great. Absolve, excuse, justify, sanctify, and a few others fit for my example sentence, but I want to leave the question open a little longer to see if anyone can think of a Noun for this person/entity.
    • Example: "Mr. Rogers has donated millions to xyz charity all so that people would think he was a good guy. It's a shame he did all that just to get the permits to tear down the orphanage. Mr. Rogers is a <insert word here>."
      • I think "swindler" is a good word here but not sure if there is a better word to capture that this was all premeditated and false charity.
  • I would describe this person or entity as "feeling entitled" by that doesn't exactly capture what I am trying to say.

  • For example: A person who donates a lot of money to some charity gets 'special treatment' from society (or some governing body). As a result this person is able to 'get away with' doing something bad like demolishing a nature sanctuary or treating their employees extremely poorly. Society (or some governing body) turns the other cheek and lets them do bad things just because they have been charitable.

  • I want to use it in a sentence as a statement to say something like "This person's charity does not <insert word I'm looking for here> their greed."

    • Once again "entitle" somewhat fits here but it's not exactly right because I am trying to capture the fact that they are 'getting away with something' only because they have been charitable (or even falsely charitable to be in such a position).


  • Maybe the word I'm looking for could also be a noun to describe someone who does good deeds, but with a hidden agenda. So the good deeds are only done so they can be in a position to do bad things later and get away with it.


  • Wow, thanks everyone for all the feedback! A lot of good suggestions coming in. I realize now that a Noun, what this person or entity could actually referred to as, would be best. But all the verb suggestions have been great. Absolve, excuse, justify, sanctify, and a few others fit for my example sentence, but I want to leave the question open a little longer to see if anyone can think of a Noun for this person/entity.
  • I would describe this person or entity as "feeling entitled" by that doesn't exactly capture what I am trying to say.

  • For example: A person who donates a lot of money to some charity gets 'special treatment' from society (or some governing body). As a result this person is able to 'get away with' doing something bad like demolishing a nature sanctuary or treating their employees extremely poorly. Society (or some governing body) turns the other cheek and lets them do bad things just because they have been charitable.

  • I want to use it in a sentence as a statement to say something like "This person's charity does not <insert word I'm looking for here> their greed."

    • Once again "entitle" somewhat fits here but it's not exactly right because I am trying to capture the fact that they are 'getting away with something' only because they have been charitable (or even falsely charitable to be in such a position).


  • Maybe the word I'm looking for could also be a noun to describe someone who does good deeds, but with a hidden agenda. So the good deeds are only done so they can be in a position to do bad things later and get away with it.


  • Wow, thanks everyone for all the feedback! A lot of good suggestions coming in. I realize now that a Noun, what this person or entity could actually referred to as, would be best. But all the verb suggestions have been great. Absolve, excuse, justify, sanctify, and a few others fit for my example sentence, but I want to leave the question open a little longer to see if anyone can think of a Noun for this person/entity.
    • Example: "Mr. Rogers has donated millions to xyz charity all so that people would think he was a good guy. It's a shame he did all that just to get the permits to tear down the orphanage. Mr. Rogers is a <insert word here>."
      • I think "swindler" is a good word here but not sure if there is a better word to capture that this was all premeditated and false charity.
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  • I would describe this person or entity as "feeling entitled" by that doesn't exactly capture what I am trying to say.

  • For example: A person who donates a lot of money to some charity gets 'special treatment' from society (or some governing body). As a result this person is able to 'get away with' doing something bad like demolishing a nature sanctuary or treating their employees extremely poorly. Society (or some governing body) turns the other cheek and lets them do bad things just because they have been charitable.

  • I want to use it in a sentence as a statement to say something like "This person's charity does not <insert word I'm looking for here> their greed."

    • Once again "entitle" somewhat fits here but it's not exactly right because I am trying to capture the fact that they are 'getting away with something' only because they have been charitable (or even falsely charitable to be in such a position).


  • Maybe the word I'm looking for could also be a noun to describe someone who does good deeds, but with a hidden agenda. So the good deeds are only done so they can be in a position to do bad things later and get away with it.


  • Wow, thanks everyone for all the feedback! A lot of good suggestions coming in. I realize now that a Noun, what this person or entity could actually referred to as, would be best. But all the verb suggestions have been great. Absolve, excuse, justify, sanctify, and a few others fit for my example sentence, but I want to leave the question open a little longer to see if anyone can think of a Noun for this person/entity.
  • I would describe this person or entity as "feeling entitled" by that doesn't exactly capture what I am trying to say.

  • For example: A person who donates a lot of money to some charity gets 'special treatment' from society (or some governing body). As a result this person is able to 'get away with' doing something bad like demolishing a nature sanctuary or treating their employees extremely poorly. Society (or some governing body) turns the other cheek and lets them do bad things just because they have been charitable.

  • I want to use it in a sentence as a statement to say something like "This person's charity does not <insert word I'm looking for here> their greed."

    • Once again "entitle" somewhat fits here but it's not exactly right because I am trying to capture the fact that they are 'getting away with something' only because they have been charitable (or even falsely charitable to be in such a position).


  • Maybe the word I'm looking for could also be a noun to describe someone who does good deeds, but with a hidden agenda. So the good deeds are only done so they can be in a position to do bad things later and get away with it.
  • I would describe this person or entity as "feeling entitled" by that doesn't exactly capture what I am trying to say.

  • For example: A person who donates a lot of money to some charity gets 'special treatment' from society (or some governing body). As a result this person is able to 'get away with' doing something bad like demolishing a nature sanctuary or treating their employees extremely poorly. Society (or some governing body) turns the other cheek and lets them do bad things just because they have been charitable.

  • I want to use it in a sentence as a statement to say something like "This person's charity does not <insert word I'm looking for here> their greed."

    • Once again "entitle" somewhat fits here but it's not exactly right because I am trying to capture the fact that they are 'getting away with something' only because they have been charitable (or even falsely charitable to be in such a position).


  • Maybe the word I'm looking for could also be a noun to describe someone who does good deeds, but with a hidden agenda. So the good deeds are only done so they can be in a position to do bad things later and get away with it.


  • Wow, thanks everyone for all the feedback! A lot of good suggestions coming in. I realize now that a Noun, what this person or entity could actually referred to as, would be best. But all the verb suggestions have been great. Absolve, excuse, justify, sanctify, and a few others fit for my example sentence, but I want to leave the question open a little longer to see if anyone can think of a Noun for this person/entity.
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