Autological word.
A word is autological or homological if it describes itself.
The common term for this is a backronym, a back-formation acronym. Also known as recursive acronym/ metacronym/ recursive definitioninitialism, this is a fun way to coin new names for new programming languages and such.
[coming up..RPM, PHP and YAML were originally conventional initialisms which were later redefined recursively. I am gonna fill this
GNU — GNU's Not Unix
KDE — KDE Desktop Environment
PHP — PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PINE — PINE Is Nearly Elm, originally; PINE now officially stands for "Pine Internet News and E-mail"
RPM — RPM Package Manager !](originally "Red Hat Package Manager")
SPARQL — SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language
Wine — Wine Is Not an Emulator
YAML — YAML Ain't Markup Language (initially "Yet Another Markup Language")
and of course,
VISA - VISA International Service Association