I'm a non-native speaker and was looking for a single word which has the same (or close to the same) meaning as 'decays into' – where something becomes less than it was by losing (little) parts of itself which turn into something else.
Does such a word exist?
Some more info on the context in which this word would be used. For a fictional/fantasy-ish story, we have a diagram where four 'elements' and 3 'principles' (earth, fire, sulpher, etc) are (inter-)connected with each other. The interaction between each of these elements and principles are all described by a single words, such as for example: 'strengthens' and 'conquers' and 'absorbs'. All these interactions are single words (a fact that is also embedded into the backstory) one of these interactions could best be described as 'decays into', but since this is not a single word, it has to be either reworded by a synonym (the preferred option) or replaced by something else.
Hope this clarifies the question enough.