Is it correct to list the following examples using quotation marks and a simple space? Or would the example below need a comma in-between?
For example, you might choose to say:For example, you might choose to say: "Thanks for asking, but I'm a bit busy at the moment." "I'd love to help you, just give me a few minutes and I will be there to help you." "I'll be there with you soon, thank you for waiting."
"Thanks for asking, but I'm a bit busy at the moment."
"I'd love to help you, just give me a few minutes and I will be there to help you."
"I'll be there with you soon, thank you for waiting."
Is this correct or should there be commas in-between each quoted sentence? Is there any better way of constructing this sentence, or is this fine?
Also ... would I use a double space between each quoted sentence, or just a single space? (I am habituated to using a double space after a period: it is cleaner to read.)
I'd love your help!