Kids who are constantly told, "You are so beautiful" can actually become overly worried when their looks change and become overly critical of themselves.
Kids that are constantly told, "Wow you are so smart" can often find themselves fearful of letting the whole world see they aren't smart by answering something with a "wrong" answer. They then won't try things for fear of failure.
Kids who have their physical attributes (such as strength, speed, coordination) commented on frequently, "Wow you are so strong, that is amazing" can have similar responses too - they stop trying athletic activities out of concern they won't be the best at whatever it is.
Kids that get used to constant compliments also start to take the absence of a compliment as a failure. Which puts you in a position where just because you didn't notice your child picked up two toys without a reminder, you are sending a "bad" message by not commenting on this good act.
This means that instead of giving compliments, your default should be to talk to the child about what they think. In a small child, that might be something like, "wow, it looks like wearing that dress makes you feel really good." or, "How did throwing the ball that far make you feel?" Of course, mixing in an actual compliment here and there won't hurt, just be careful not to overdo it.
The infant is 1 year old.
When I tell her "Give me the ball", she looks for the ball, picks it up and gives it to me.
When I tell her "Pull baba's hair", she looks for her father and pulls his hair.
When I tell her "Where is the fan?", she points at the roof.
When I tell her "Where is the pigeon?", she goes to the balcony to find them.
Now, I do NOT want to praise her intelligence.
What is the one-word for praising the above mentioned acts?