Better way to say: "put to good use"

Trying to figure out in terms of being accountable with resources. Specifically, in this sentence:

every cent of funding could be put to good use

I think it sounds passive, but am blocked.


9 Answers 9


You could say efficiently Allocated; this generally has the same meaning.


One common expression is capitalise [on] 7 - to take advantage of; turn something to one's advantage (often followed by on ): to capitalize on one's opportunities.

Although it's often used with the literal sense turn into capital, make money from, it's also commonly used metaphorically to mean take advantage of, make best use of.


They were thrifty with every cent of funding.

Thrifty means "careful and diligent in the use of resources."


I suggest that the funds were aptly appropriated:

: to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use

Ex. appropriate money for the research program

This would be in direct opposition to misappropriated funds or resources.

  • Appropriated leaves room for misinterpretation. You've given sense 2 from the link; sense 3 is "to take or make use of without authority or right", ie to misappropriate. Jul 18, 2012 at 5:25

I think fully utilized or responsibly used might give you the connotations of accountability you're looking for.


You might consider "the value [or effect] of the funding could be maximized."


employed is a good, single-word answer that has the connotation of being effectively used.

To put (something) to use or service: employed [thefreedictionary.com]

Example sentence: "Knives were employed in the cutting process."

  • profitized
  • used wisely
  • used effectively
  • Please explain why you think those would be good alternatives. Especially the first one which might not exist.
    – Helmar
    Aug 15, 2017 at 12:16
  • the words are self-explanatory. and the first one does exist, though used very rarely. then again, if someone wanted to go with something commonly used and understood, there'd be no point in asking for alternatives.
    – Faradin
    Aug 15, 2017 at 21:12

I would write:

Every cent of funding could be used to buy ice cream

There you go :) money well spent!

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