When it comes to the concept and context of metaphor and analogy (rather than other comparators or comparisons in general), the device is used to describe something else in different terms. Metaphors etc. are used when there is something to describe that is hard to understand (among other uses).
In hebrew, the word for metaphor/analogy is מָשָׁל, "mashal". Every מָשָׁל has a נִמְשַׁל, a "nimshal", which is the Niphal stem (generally passive/reflexive) form of מָשָׁל
the original thing that is now being made into a מָשָׁל
What is the word for נִמְשַׁל in english? I am thinking maybe "analogue", but not sure. I've seen it before, so I know it exists, I just can't remember it.
Computer hardware is like a bit like the human brain. The CPU is like the cortex, RAM is like short term working memory and storage is like long term memories.
If the brain is the analogy, the CPU is the ____ ?
EDIT: The word tenor
has been suggested, however I would like to find another word, to research suitable sense of tenor not given at Webster's Dictionary, that might appear more of a fit in the context of "analogy" and/or "metaphor"