Have you ever sent an email, intending to attach something and referring to it in the email, but without actually attaching? I'm wondering if there is a word or words to describe:

  1. The email itself. e.g. 'I just sent a ????? email'

  2. The act of sending such an email. e.g. 'I just ?????ed'

Any proposed word(s) could/should encapsulate concepts of incompleteness or emptiness and/or fact that email was sent prematurely.

I'm not thinking about emails that should have multiple attachments but are incomplete. It's really those simple, '1 attachment' emails.

UPDATE: Playing on another meaning of 'attached', I thought that an email without an attachment could be considered to be 'unattached'. Some words which came up when looking for synonyms were 'single', 'unwed' and 'bachelor'. I don't think any of these are quite right, but hopefully they may inspire others....

  • Not sure why the down-vote. If I can improve or clarify the question, please advise.
    – andyb
    Sep 17, 2014 at 0:02
  • A naked email? I just bare bottomed it? A phantom attachment?
    – bib
    Sep 17, 2014 at 0:43
  • I dislike the silly sentence structure of "Ever blah blah blah?" It is very annoying and confusing. The grammar is unusual, abnormal and unusable as well. "Have you ever .... ?" - that is the better way of saying it. Sep 17, 2014 at 0:47
  • @BlessedGeek - your 'dislike' is my call to action and I have edited my post accordingly. I trust that, in time, you can come to forgive my brief descent into a casual style.
    – andyb
    Sep 17, 2014 at 1:47
  • @BlessedGeek Got issues? :(
    – tchrist
    Sep 17, 2014 at 1:48

3 Answers 3



Or, you could simply say "E-mail without the intended attachment." There's not exactly a thing for which we've needed an English word.


I might use a compound adjective for the 'I just sent a ????? email' situation:

'I just sent you an empty-shell email'

And for the 'I just ?????ed' situation, I might say this:

'I just ghost-emailed you'

...but I'm not aware of a standard form for announcing such mistakes. The most common form of acknowledgment used in intra-office email messages at my workplace is simply a follow-up email message with the attached document included as intended, and with a single line of message text along the lines of:

This time with the attachment.


Here's a thought. Playing on the ( to me at least ) recent appearance of the phrase ' my bad ' which I take to mean the acceptance of responsibility for an error, I propose ' my b@d '. This could be taken to describe an error in composing or sending an email. In a similar vein, to describe the problem email itself I propose ' efail ' or ' ef@il'.

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