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rosends's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
42 votes

What would you call someone who imposes on other people's generosity?

11 votes

"expecting a baby"

11 votes

Collective name for prefix and suffix of a word

10 votes

"How did you know?" vs. "how do you know?" distinction

9 votes

What's that word meaning 'thus more strongly for X'?

8 votes

What is a verb for "illusion"?

8 votes

Hypernym for "day", "month", "week", "year"

7 votes

Salt tastes salty then water tastes ....?

7 votes

Is "hang" really short for "hang out"?

7 votes

Did not get William Shakespeare's quote - "A fool thinks himself to be..."

6 votes

Why do we brew beer but make wine?

5 votes

The plural of "conch"?

4 votes

Alternative to "as-well-as" for an academic paper

3 votes

Why is a meal's main course referred to as "entree" in the majority of North America?

3 votes

Letter closing other than "Love"

3 votes

Is this an incorrect use of the word 'Synonymous'?

2 votes

Can "née" be used for entities other than people?

2 votes

A word or neologism for doing an action together

2 votes

Why numbers are sometimes pronounced as individual numbers?

2 votes

Comparing two juxtaposed elements by way of clause inversion?

2 votes

Could the term "elephant" have derived from "olfactory?"

2 votes

Word or Phrase for Indirect Verbal Deception

1 vote

What's a word that means "not omniscient"?

1 vote

In the sentence below, is the apostrophe after the 's' correct?

1 vote

"All that is gold does not glitter"

1 vote

Literary device: frequently referenced object which never appears

1 vote

Should I begin with uppercase when placing a sentence inside a apostrophes?

0 votes

Is "et al." used as a singular or plural subject?

0 votes

What is the term for groups of numerals within a large number?

0 votes

Is using the last name of a person without a title an accepted way of addressing?