
I am still taking fun of it

correct usage? I want to mean that it is still funny to me.

3 Answers 3


I am still taking fun of it is fairly non-sensical. Try I still find it funny or it's still funny to me.


I am still taking fun of it

is incorrect usage, as the phrase take fun of does not exist in standard English. Perhaps, you want to say

I am still making fun of it

Make fun of is a standard phrase which means:

tease, laugh at, or joke about (someone) in a mocking or unkind way. NOAD

However, this may not be quite you mean. In that case, you could simply say:

I am still finding it funny / I still find it funny

I should add that I am still finding it funny is a construction a native speaker would likely never or rarely use. Thus, I still find it funny is the way to go in this case.


Definitely not standard, and I've never even come across this as a non-standard form. I am still amused by it, or I still find it funny are valid ways of expressing this.

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