What is the correct adjective corresponding to the noun Venus?


2 Answers 2


Venus is both a planet and the Roman goddess of love and sex. Adjectival forms therefore have two separate uses: for the planet, and in medicine to describe things like sexually transmitted diseases.

"Venusian" is by far the most common adjective in use for the planet among professional astronomers. Some classically minded writers dislike "Venusian" because it doesn't resemble Latin forms such as "Veneri." "Venerian" was used by some 20th-century science fiction writers such as Robert Heinlein and Jown W. Campbell, Jr. It also appears to have been used sometimes as an adjectival form of Venice (George Finlay, History of Greece Under Othoman & Venerian Domination). "Cytherean" is sometimes used, referring to the island Cythera, near which the goddess was supposed to be have been born. A search of astronomy papers on arxiv.org, however, shows that "Venusian" is nearly universal.

In medicine, the most common term is "venereal," which is closer to being a legitimate Latin form than "venusian." There are also "veneric" and "venerean."

  • 3
    Very good. The proper name in the more culturally respectable genres is venereal, I believe, even though this form does not exist in Latin (*venerealis). But it is clear from the Latin that it must begin with vener-, the adjectives used in Latin being Venereus and Venerius, and venereal is a English regular formation based on the Latin stem Vener- of the word Venus. Feb 23, 2014 at 22:40

Some adjectives for Venus is boring,bright,glorious,hot,lonely.These reasons are some of the answer because there is nothing to their because their is no life and obviously no internet but seriously their is nothing to do their to explore only dust and rocks.I think the sun is glorious because it has beautiful ring around Venus.Venus is bright because the glistering blazing sun shines on the rings that reflect the light around Venus.Venus is hot because of course it is the second planet next to the sun.It is going to be lonely out in Venus because like i said their is no living life up their so you wont make any friends but if you are really crazy go ahead make friends with rocks!!

By a 6th Grader kid Lucas

  • IS it ok tell me now Tigers from macarthur!
    – Lucas
    Dec 2, 2015 at 23:17
  • opps i got confuse with Venus and Saturn
    – Lucas
    Dec 2, 2015 at 23:26